Children 1st listens, supports and takes action to secure a brighter future for Scotland's vulnerable children and families.
Children 1st is Scotland's National Children's Charity. They help Scotland's families to put children first, with practical advice and with support in difficult times. And when the worst happens, Children 1st support survivors of abuse, neglect, and other traumatic events in childhood to help them recover.
They help Scotland's communities to play their part in looking out for, and protecting, children.
They listen to Scotland's children and their families. If the government, or society, fails to hear them or respect their rights, they speak out.
They're determined each child has reasons to smile and will work alongside whoever shares that aim.
You can help Children 1st achieve their vision of a happy, healthy, safe and secure childhood for every young person in Scotland. For more information, visit their website www.children1st.org.uk.